खान्देश मराठा मॅरेज

Refund Policy

Eligibility for refund

Refunds are possible in any of the below case is true:-
  1. You do not belong to Khandesh region (North Maharashtra).
  2. Your caste/subcaste is not Maratha Patil.
  3. We haven't showed/listed your profile on our website for any period.

Non eligibility for refund

Refunds are not possible in any of the below case is true:-
  1. Cancel subscription mid way before the term/period of plan is not finished.
  2. We have listed your profile on our website for any period.
  3. Your age is not 18+ and you have registered by mistake.

Claiming refund

Contact us on phone number or email provided in the footer (bottom) of this page. While contacting us please do mention below details:-
  1. Your member id you got after registering on Khandesh Maratha Marriage website.
  2. Date & approx time of transaction you transfered the amount
  3. Amount paid in the transaction & medium of transaction (NEFT, Tez, Online)
  4. Reason for claiming refund
  5. A/c no of from transaction was done. (if debit/credit card, then last 4 digits)

Track refund or Time taken for refund

You cannot track refund on website, we will add this feature in future. Approximately we will take a week to process the refund from the date of refund acceptance email. You will get refund amount back from where you paid it like debit/credit card, NEFT, online banking etc.